[Woodcarver] copyright rules etc.

Joe Dillett jdillett at thecarvingshop.net
Thu Jun 19 21:40:05 EDT 2008

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for your thoughtful response to this copyright question.

My teachers also taught us that when studying the masters, such as sketching
their work, you give the artist credit along with your name. Such as Joe
Dillett after (the original artist's name). Most woodcarving artists today
offer their ideas and patterns as a study guide to help other carvers study
along their way to discovering their own artist's voice.

Another thought about copyrights. Copyrights can be sold. There have been
cases I've sold the copyright for more then the original and to a different
person. A foundry commissioned me to do a Last Supper buying only the
copyright and the right to cast 5 patterns off my original. I later sold the
original to a different person with the understanding that they did not have
the right to make any copies. I have done the same for commissioned

Joe Dillett
The Carving Shop
645 E. LaSalle St. Suite 3
Somonauk, IL. 60552

(815) 498-9290 phone
(815) 498-9249 fax
http://www.thecarvingshop.net [business web site]
http://www.carvingmagazine.com ['Ask Joe' column]

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivan Whillock" <carve at whillock.com>
To: "[Woodcarver]" <woodcarver at six.pairlist.net>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Woodcarver] copyright rules etc.

> Gentle Subscribers :-) Please support our List with a donation:

> http://wwwoodcarver.com/WWWList/WWWList.html


> This is my general understanding about copyrights.


> The originator owns all rights to the material. He/she can choose to give

> away or sell some, none, or all of those rights. By buying the book or

> magazine, you purchase certain rights as expressed in the copyright

> notice. The best way to find out what you have purchased is to look at the

> copyright notice. Most often the authors want to protect reproduction of

> the pattern, because that is what they are selling. Often they grant the

> carver the right to make and sell carvings based on the patterns, but not

> to reproduce or sell the patterns. There are a few who present the

> pattern "for instructional purposes only" and restrict even the selling of

> carvings made from the patterns. They have that right. Remember, by

> buying the book you are not automatically buying all rights, or even

> necessarily the commercial rights to the material. Some authors offer the

> patterns with the assumption that they will be used strictly by amateurs

> and not by people who are in carving for commercial purposes.


> Enforcement is up to the holder of the copyright. People with clout,

> Disney, for example, have much more success in protecting their products

> from unauthorized reproduction than others. The average carver has no

> such power. A lot of unauthorized copying takes place because there is a

> misunderstanding of the rights or an inability--or reluctance--of the

> holder of the copyright to enforce them.


> Since most of the authors are ordinary folks like you and me, some don't

> care whether you sell carvings from their patterns or not. Some care but

> are "too nice" to do anything about it.


> Chances are, however, the author is reachable. I'd bet most would

> appreciate being asked for permission if there is a doubt.



> Ivan Whillock Studio

> 122 NE 1st Avenue

> Faribault, MN 55021

> Visit my website at

> http://www.whillock.com

> Visit my Picture Trail album at

> http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=ivancarve


> --------------------------------------------------

> From: "larry" <redcougar at mchsi.com>

> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 1:28 PM

> To: <Woodcarver at six.pairlist.net>

> Subject: [Woodcarver] copyright rules etc.


>> Gentle Subscribers :-) Please support our List with a donation:

>> http://wwwoodcarver.com/WWWList/WWWList.html


>> Dear list members,

>> I belong to a small carving club in rural North Carolina.We recently

>> began talking about selling carvings.

>> Most of us being new at this, we talked about what you could and could

>> not legally sell. Most of us have purchased rough outs with instructions

>> from time to time. All of us have copied free patterns from the internet.

>> All of us have made carvings from patterns and instructions found in the

>> carving magazines we purchase.

>> Morally and probably legally? we need to give credit for rough out and/or

>> pattern, but the question which we really have is:

>> What can a person legally sell in a show or at a craft fair or in an art

>> gallery as a conscientious, wood carver concerned about the state of

>> the art?


>> Thank you in advance for your replies, and as I have learned , Keep Them

>> Sharp,


>> Larry,


>> Rocky Hock, N.C.



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