[Woodcarver] copyright rules etc.

Linehan718 at aol.com Linehan718 at aol.com
Fri Jun 20 15:18:08 EDT 2008

Yes I totally agree with Mush on this one. My understanding of copyright
law is a financial protection for the originator of the design. You can not
copyright an idea such as a relief carving that features a barn, horse and
tree. You may take pictures of your own barn, horse and tree and arrange them to
form a relief carving pattern. However, as regards to those who sell
patterns, they are selling those patterns so that you can use them. There is also
a "fair use clause" in copyright law which enables anyone to use any
copyrighted material in pursuit of an education of any type. I also can copy any
carving and display it in the privacy of my own home without any legal issues
arising from it. The copyright issue rears its head only when I attempt to
mass produce, or sell a carving that I have used a copyrighted pattern or
design to produce it. The copyright also comes into use when I attempt to display
publicly an item made from someone elses copyrighted design. At the very
least a mention should be given to the copyright holder, but to be technically
legal written permission should be obtained from the copyright holder.

The Walt Disney Corporation is very vigilant about protecting its copyrights
and does send out agents to see who is infringing the copyrights. This
includes craft makers. Disney will have its lawyers issue a "cease and desist"
stop order immediately. It will then aggressively prosecute when they
consider it to be in their best interests. But............and here's where the gray
area in copyright law comes in.......there has been at least one carver who
has gotten away with it. I can't recall the particulars right now but there
was a carver who carved gepetto and Pinocchio, who then displayed it
publicly at some type of craft fair for the purpose of selling it. A Disney
representative was on hand and knew that the carving had sold for such and such a
price and the surprised carver was dragged into court. While Disney was
technically correct, the judge issued a summery dismissal of the suit, ruling that
the selling of a one-of-a-kind carving did no financial damage to Disney or
that the financial damage was negligible. But the judge also advised the
artist that what he was doing was illegal and that if Disney had wished to
pursue the case further that the man would not only be liable for what he sold the
carving for but for treble damages(triple) and court costs.

As a learning novice i would consider it fine to copy anything to learn
skills. At the point where you begin selling or publicly displaying your
carvings you should be respecting other artists copyrights. In my first few years
when I was ignorant of copyright law, I copied from Ivan, from Joe D, from
lora Irish and a few others but then I began asking proper permission. Most
people are friendly and if you just ask, they grant permission happily. I have
never been turned down and in fact some carvers were so flattered that I
would even want to copy their work that they asked that I send finished pics
and/or progress pics.

Maura Carving in NYC
_www.carvinginnyc.com_ (http://www.carvinginnyc.com/)

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