[Woodcarver] A poor copy that is original...

Bill Judt bjudt at sasktel.net
Mon Jun 23 13:01:53 EDT 2008


Thank you for sharing your experience. You have a way with words and a
gift of kindness.

I don't think there is a carver around who has not considered the
possibility of copyright infringement for some reason or another.

My fears of being sued ended when I started using totally original
resources for all my carvings. By this I mean photos that came from my
camera, drawings that came from my hand. I was simply so frustrated
with using the photos and resources of others with the constant worry
and nagging conscience that accompanies it. Even if copyright
infringement was not an issue in a particular design, finding a
suitable carving/photo resource in the library or on the internet was
so frustrating, time consuming and unprofitable that it was easier to
take the time to take my own photos and draw my own patterns.

I might sound like a broken record, but allow me to repeat a previous
posting or two with the following:
Admittedly, not everyone can learn to draw, but those with enough
aptitude would do well to extend their drawing skills so they depend
less on the work of others.
Digital photography is one of the best tools for those who wish to
begin creating their own patterns. Digital photos (enlarged on a color
photocopier) coupled with a light table (even a window) allow you can
trace most anything and end up with an accurate line drawing. From
there you can compose your carving pattern.

I train my students likewise to use all original resources in their
relief carving. So they bring photos and other resources into the
studio which we then use to build an original design. If you wish to
see some of the results, go to:

Of course, if you do not intend to SELL your carvings, the issue of
copyright infringement fades away. But even if that is the case, a
poor carving that is original is still better than a great carving
that is a copy.

Blessings and Peace,


Bill Judt
46 Harvard Crescent,
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
bjudt at sasktel.net

Apologies, guys, but to carvers venturing into selling, this thread
can be very important.

Years ago, had I been privy to the thread that just took place, I
might have been saved some grief and embarrassment. Unfortunately, I
was not given such a "heads up" on copyrights and thus we used some
pictures in a cut and paste catalog that we just assumed were OK to
use. They weren't. We got sued.

So, whenever someone talks of going into carving on a commercial
level, I urge them to get acquainted with the copyright laws.
Lawsuits may happen rarely, but they DO happen. Holders of copyrights
have the right to protect their property, and so anyone who sells
creations that are based on other people's materials should understand
that it could have ramifications.

Back then, had we been more aware of copyright law we could have
avoided some grief and ill will. Thus, whenever I can, I encourage
anyone who wants to sell to become informed to avoid those types of

My advice comes from "been there!"

Ivan Whillock Studio
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