[game_preservation] SIG paper for DiGRA

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Thu Jun 25 19:25:29 EDT 2009

Okay, I'm finally back onto my email, urg, I'll batter my host more
harshly when they didn't get it working after their promised 2 days so I
lost a weeks worth of email, bah.

I'll be able to come down, I've booked holiday time for that week, I
just need to know how to book a place at the event and accommodation.

I've not got a chance today or tomorrow to read this structural draft -
I also note you didn't have any changes enabled, so it's hard to see
what's changed at a glance, sorry - I'll try and look later this weekend.

As for a title, I don't know, it depends what you want the paper to be
edited to be.


Dan Pinchbeck wrote:

> hi all,


> a very (very) initial structural draft of the paper for DiGRA is uploaded here:


> www.thechineseroom.co.uk/IGDASIGpaper.doc


> If anyone has the chance to glance over it and give me a sense of whether I'm heading the right direction with this, make comments, changes, etc, I'd be really grateful. Like I said, it's at a phenomenally early point (deadline is 1st August) so don't expect much!


> I also need to confirm for the programme a final title for the paper and confirm the list of authors - as I wasn't involved in the white paper, can someone just triple-check that for me and send a list/title?


> Finally, as soon as I have the exact date/time for the game preservation panel I'll send it through - but this paper will need a presenter. I can 'arrange' that if need be, but it would obviously be great to have someone from the SIG there (Andrew, you're just up the road... and I may be able to find some budget to help out with registration, etc?) Any thoughts there would also be great,


> Thanks


> Dan


> PS- thanks Melanie for the heads-up - hope this is a better way of doing things! :)


> Dr Dan Pinchbeck


> Advanced Games Research Group

> School of Creative Technologies

> University of Portsmouth, UK


> www.thechineseroom.co.uk

> www.keep.port.ac.uk

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