
John Gruber gruber at
Sat Dec 3 12:08:22 EST 2005

Dr. Drang <drdrang at> wrote on 12/3/05 at 10:53 AM:

> While I appreciate the explicitness of ----> and <---->, I can see why

> people find it visually jarring. The < and > are big and they don't

> blend in with the - or the |. How about -----~ and ~-----~ ?

I see it as a consistency problem that this proposal uses certain
punctuation characters at the end of the column header rules to
indicate alignment:

<------- means left align
-------> means right align

And don't forget:

:------- left align from Michel's original syntax proposal


.------- align based on '.' character in column content

In other words, if ".-------" means "align on the dot", then
shouldn't "<-----" mean "align on the left-angle-bracket"?

I'm partial to allowing for:

:---- left align
----: right align
:---: center align

and nothing else. [^1] This syntax is a bit mark-up-y, meaning that
it looks a bit like rule-based syntax, as opposed to the natural
"doesn't look like markup" style that Markdown generally aspires to,
but at least it's a little bit self-evident what's being indicated.


[^1]: Except for the way that Markdown should automatically
determine when you want left or right alignment based on your
using 0 or 1 spaces between the content and pipe separators of
every item in a column.

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