Problems with incorporating markdown into a project

A. Pagaltzis pagaltzis at
Mon May 9 06:00:13 EDT 2005

* John Gruber <gruber at> [2005-05-09 07:00]:
> Ryan Booker <ryanbooker at> wrote on 05/09/05 at 2:38 pm:
> > Isn't that a little bit wasteful though?
> If you do it my way, converting once and storing both the raw
> Markdown input and XHTML output, you waste disk space.

“Almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching.”
—Terje Mathisen

Personally, I’d try to build ready-to-serve static HTML files for
as much content as possible, for a large array of reasons. The
biggest one is that few people will take the time to reimplement
all facets of HTTP in their scripts, while Apache knows how to
handle things like If-Modified-Since conditions for static files
all by itself.


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