easiest markdown to PDF conversion

David Sanson dsanson at gmail.com
Wed Feb 29 15:39:15 EST 2012

And, because I am home sick today and can't get any real work done, here
are some sample drag-and-drop applets and system services made with
Automator, that convert from markdown (or Textile or RST) to PDF and DOCX,
using pandoc:


The embedded shell scripts are fairly trivial, and it should be fairly
trivial to modify them to specify other pandoc options (e.g.,
--table-of-contents or --numbered-sections), or generate other output
formats, even if you know very little about shell scripts. With just a bit
of knowledge, it would be easy to modify them to use other tools, like
wkhtmltopdf, prince.xml, or MMD+LaTeX.

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