[MCR] Rockies: Huber/Victoria/Lefroy

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Mon Aug 16 20:38:16 EDT 2010

We climbed the Huber Ledges to Mts Huber and Victoria on Aug 15,
descending the SE Ridge of Vic, and the today the W Face of Lefroy
with a descent down the N Ridge to the Fuhrmann Ledge.

Mt Huber was icy on its N side and we did several pitches on ascent.
We descended the slopes to the Huber/Vic col and they were snowier
but got quite soft early in the day. The gully up to Vic is still
chock-full of snow and the bergschrund crossing is easy. The ridge on
Vic was crampons between the summit to past the sickle.

Lefroy is still snowy, we only climbed about 10 m of ice. The
Fuhrmann ledge is dry.

The storm of last week gave a fair bit of new snow to the upper part
of the peaks, although it has melted off the rocks it refreshed the
snow and ice sections.

Mark Klassen
Mountain Guide

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