[MCR] Rockies - Victoria North Summit

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Tue Jun 16 20:02:13 EDT 2015

I was up the NE Ridge of Victoria yesterday with two guests.  I probed up to 180cm of snow on the flat parts of the glacier, diminishing to 40-50cm over the steeper rolls in the middle where the crevasses are beginning to open up.  The bergschrund is showing several holes but still has debris-filled sections that made for an easy crossing.  With a decent overnight freeze and the current snow coverage we were able to stay on supportive snow for most of the climb up to the Victoria/Collier col, which also provided good snow picket placements.New snow from the last few days has accumulated in soft slab drifts up to 40cm deep on the ridge.  These were too small to be of much concern on the ridge and traversing around the 5.2 rock step but made the footing uneven.Lots of solar sluffing up to size 1.5 was observed throughout the morning, as well as evidence of previous activity from the new snow buildup on steeper solar slopes.Overall excellent travel conditions which began to deteriorate by late morning.
Pierre HungrACMG/IFMGA Mountain Guidewww.rogerspassadventures.com 		 	   		  
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